
Natural & Chemical Peels

A peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the skin, typically on the face and neck. The chosen peel solution induces a controlled injury to the skin that causes the outermost layers of the skin to peel off. This results in wound healing processes that begin to regenerate new skin tissue that is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. We offer many different peels at Balencia, both Natural more gentle peels as well as more aggressive Chemical peels, that are detailed out below. If you have any questions about which option is right for you, please feel free to call or email us.

Glycolic Chemical Peel

30 Minutes, $100

For all skin types that need exfoliation, but especially good for oily, thick skin. Leaves your skin hydrated and smooth with a healthy glow.

Balencia’s Signature Peel

30 Minutes, $100

The Honey Peel is exceptional for all skin types that need a natural exfoliator – composed of honey extract, kola nut, green tea, and liquorice root. The Honey Peel will leave your skin hydrated, refreshed and renewed without the typical side effects of a more aggressive peel.

TCA- 15% Chemical Peel

30 Minutes, $150A TCA

(Trichloroacetic Acid) can work very well to even out pigment differences and reduce fine wrinkles and signs of sun damage. You may need to get a second peel after 3 to 6 months to produce the best effect..

Jessners Chemical Peel

30 Minutes, $145
The Jessner Peel was designed to remove superficial layers of skin, dry out active acne, dislodge blackheads, reduce shallow wrinkling and scarring, help lighten hyper pigmentation and improve the overall appearance and health of sun-damaged, acne prone, aging skin.

Fade & Firm Chemical Peel

60 Minutes, $125

30 Minutes, $100

Excellent for lightening hyperpigmentation in mature, hyperpigmented, and environmentally damaged skin. Helps leave the skin firm, soft, radiant and free of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.